Winmax tiger x4 flash file 6.0 firmware stock ROM
Winmax tiger x4 Android version 5.1. software update relase 2017 marshmallow versions 6.0 Winmax tiger x4 installs 6.0 software then update marshmallow.Winmax tiger x4 flash file 6.0 firmware stock ROM Easy software update 6.0 installs winmax tiger x4 marshmallow
Winmax tiger x4 flash file 6.0 firmware stock ROM
MT6580_WINMAX_TIGER_X4_TIGER_X4_6.0_alps-mp-m0.mp1-V2.34_keytak6580.weg.m P17
Wait for phone…
Phone found! [ 12 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6580
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6580_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCA00 , 0x8A00 , 0x0000
Processing BROM stage
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer : 0x00FF
BLVersion : 0x0001
PreLoader : Active [ Boot with PL ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1624.16.07
Sending and initialize DA …
Running DA ver.4.2 on BBID : 0x94
eMMC Flash : 150100463732324D42009D6DD28193D5
Initialize Memory …
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
DAgent sent , init HW now
eMMC FlashIC initialized
[eMMC] : FLASH_VEN : 0x15 , OEM : 0100
[eMMC] : FLASH_CID : 150100463732324D42009D6DD28193D5
[eMMC] : FLASH_BRT : 0x00400000 , 0x00400000 , 0x00080000
[eMMC] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00000001D2000000
[eMMC] : FLASH_UCP : 7456 MiB [eMMC 8 GiB]
DEV RID : 0xD0AB1C436BAF9CAA5590DF9DE811E452
INT RAM : 0x00020000
EXT RAM : 0x40000000 [1 GiB]
Boot Ok!
Reading Flash Content now …
xGPT : Normalize settings Ok!
Brand : WINMAX
ProdName : TIGER_X4
ProdModel : TIGER X4
Device : TIGER_X4
AndroidVer: 6.0
MTKxCPU : MT6580
MTKxPRJ : alps-mp-m0.mp1-V2.34_keytak6580.weg.m_P17
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img [ScatCFG] : MT6580 / V1.1.2 / keytak6580_weg_m / EMMC
Android Info saved
MAUI Meta DB saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 1969 MiB
Sorry this firmware problem
TIGER_X4_6.0_alps-mp-m0.mp1-V2.34_keytak6580.weg.m P17Risk of Flashing
Through flashing is an awesome process to give your phone a new look, it have some potential risks too. A failed flash update can even make your phone death which is known as brick. Yes, this true and this is the reason why you should follow all the rules very carefully and do every single step very suspiciously.
All the data of your will be deleted after a firmware update. So backup all your important data before starting the process. You can simply save your data in drive, or you can use any of the cloud storage apps for back up. Before starting an update, charge your phone fully. Running out of charge can shut down the phone during the process and brick your phone.
So if you own a Micromax phone lets improve its performance and explores new feature by flashing firmware. The process we have discussed is 100% safe and working. If you follow it in the time of updating your firmware, you will not face any problem. It will be better to print out and follow the article before starting the process. And please let us know if you face any problem in the time of updating. We will try our best to help you. So, this is all about Winmax tiger x4 flash file 6.0 firmware stock ROM.