Qmobile i7i Pro Sp7731 firmware flash file stock Rom
If you are searching for Qmobile i7i Pro Sp7731 firmware flash file stock Rom then you have reached exactly in the right place. You will get all the needed files to flash your phone here. Moreover, this article will help you solve almost every software problem of your Qmobile mobile phone. These solutions are not the random ones; we share all the 100% working links after tested below.
Some Early Preparations You Should Make Before Flash
Apply this for only Qmobile i7i Pro, Not for All Devices
Before flash, you should know this custom ROM is only for this specific device. So at first, you have to match your model number with this one. For doing this go to Settings > About Device on your device and note your own model number. This is the prerequisite either you don’t want to confuse later. If you try to flash this ROM on any other device then the result may brick it so this is the first thing you have to check regarding flashing an Qmobile phone.
Your Device Should Have Minimal Charge of 60%
Maybe you are flashing your phone but on the midway, the mobile stopped, it’s really annoying. So for this, you have to make sure your mobile has enough battery charge so that it can proceed. Otherwise, you may end up soft bricking your device when your device goes dead during the flashing process. It happens because of incomplete flashing process, so start with at least 60% of charge on your phone.
Ensure a Custom Recovery
You will need a custom recovery on the process, check TWRP or CWM when you are ahead to flash this ROM. In this case, Philz Advanced CWM recovery is advisable to try once. But most importantly try to make sure you are following all the instruction well mentioned on the website.
Try to Backup All Your Important Data
Nothing could be better than being alert. So try to be on the safe side. For this, you can back up each of your data from your android phone. It ensures you still have the access to all of your data in case anything goes wrong with your device during the flash process. In that situation, you can restore the data immediately to another device. Backup your data as this way-
Firstly, backup your call logs.
Secondly, backup all your contacts.
Thirdly, backup your previous SMS messages.
Fourthly, backup your media files as like you can copy all the files to your laptop or computers.
Fifthly, you can keep Titanium backup if you already rebooted your device.
At the end, you can keep Nandroid backup. It requires when you previously installed CWM or TWRP otherwise just skip it. If you need to keep the backup, then you have to do this at the end of the flash process.
SP7731CEA_i7i_PRO_6.0_QMobile_i7i_PRO_MP_26_04_QMobile_i7i_PRO FreeLearn How to Flash with Qmobile i7i Pro Sp7731 firmware flash file stock Rom
Step 1: You need to Download and extract the stock firmware on your laptop. Then you will find the Factory-Upgrade-Download-R2.9.9015, Driver and instruction manual on there.
Step 2: Now Install the USB Drivers but if you already have then skipped this step. After this Open the Factory-Upgrade-Download-R2.9.9015 and load the Scatter File from the firmware folder you found a while ago. Now via USB driver connect your device with the pc.
Step 3: After connecting your phone “Click” on Upgrade / Download Button in the SP Flash Tool to Begin the Flashing. You will find a Green Ring if the flash successfully did over.
If you were following, all the processes mentioned above, then Congratulations! See, your Android Smartphone is successfully running the Stock ROM you have Downloaded right before.
To conclude, who never tried to flash a smartphone they might find it difficult. But on the journey, Qmobile i7i Pro Sp7731 firmware flash file stock Rom made the task easier for Qmobile users who are looking for a flash file. However, on the flashing process either you face any kind of problem or you have questions regarding any errors then notify us. In this case, try to install Stock Rom once again. If possible, comment with the picture so that we can identify where exactly the mistake happens.